Animal Assisted Intervention (AAI)
Goal Oriented Activities
The umbrella term, Animal Assisted Intervention (AAI) is described by the Association of Animal Assisted Intervention Professionals as goal-oriented activities and structured interventions that intentionally incorporate animals in health, education, and human service for the purpose of therapeutic gains and improved health and wellness.
Animal-assisted therapy, education, and activities are examples of types of animal assisted intervention. The professional therapy dog team delivers goal-oriented intervention to assist other people.
![This image shows an umbrella illustration that reads "Under this AAI Umbrella" on the opening of the umbrella. Under the umbrella are 3 terms defined. AAE acronym means Animal Assisted Education. AAA acronym means Animal Assisted Activities. AAT acronym means Animal Assisted Therapy.](
Animal Assisted Education (AAE)
Animal Assisted Education is a structured intervention to achieve specific academic or educational goals. The focus of the activities is on enhancing student progress at the direction of an educator with the participation of the therapy dog in the activities. An example would be checking reading comprehension by having the student explain to the dog about the chapter just read.
Animal Assisted Activities (AAA)
Animal-assisted activities provide opportunities for motivational, educational, and/or recreational benefits to enhance quality of life. Activities may be directed to a group to enhance the success of the program. An example to improve attendance and participation in a program would be to have the therapy dog team included in a club activity.
Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT)
Animal-assisted therapy is a goal-oriented structured therapeutic intervention directed by health and human service providers as part of their profession. Possible service providers may include physicians, occupational therapists, physical therapists, therapeutic recreation specialists, nurses, social workers, speech therapists, or mental health professionals.